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Indische Lokomotive der NDM Klasse von Roundhouse

NDM-6 der Darjeeling Himalayan Railway Product Finder: > Roundhouse NDM-6 Foto: Sammlung FP / FGB.Berlin – Darjeeling Himalayan Railway > Video Beitragssammlung / Collection of articles > Vorbild und Modell

Veranstaltungstipp Heizhausfest in Chemnitz-Hilbersdorf

28. Heizhausfest im Betriebswerk Chemnitz-Hilbersdorf Freitag 23.08. bis Sonntag 25.08.2019 Sächsisches Eisenbahnmuseum Chemnitz-Hilbersdorf Saxon Railway Museum The industrial revolution formed an important part of Saxony’s history. Chemnitz was known for textile products and industrial machines, which gave birth to a large network of railway lines. T o keep the legacy of the railways in Saxony, … Weiterlesen